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Back Home About the Opera Sustainability work


»Having an active and engaging sustainability work is today given for all responsible organisations. Our society faces significant challenges. We all need to be committed to meet these challenges, as individuals and organisations.«

Fredrik Lindgren, CEO, Kungliga Operan AB


The Opera’s values are to uphold high quality, and to be fearless, welcoming and timeless.
Translated into sustainability terms, this means:

  • The Opera cares about human needs like creativity, identity and artistic expression. The Opera works to safeguard sound working conditions and working methods that give our employees the ability to develop professionally and make a contribution to our operations.
  • The Opera strives to be a responsible steward of natural resources and to take ethical responsibility for people and the environment in its operations. The Opera is transparent and takes responsibility for its decisions.
  • The Opera is open to the whole of society and to all ages. The Opera strives to uphold the values of diversity and gender equality in an engaging and inclusive manner.

  • The Opera is keen to preserve Swedish cultural heritage in accordance with its mandate. The Opera engages with its surroundings and draws attention to pressing societal challenges.


Every year, the Opera publish a sustainability report that reports on how the company works with sustainability issues and the impact on various sustainability aspects during the past year. The entire Operan's operations are covered by the accounts, from the administration to the stage productions.

We have made a short version of our sustainability report for 2022, which you can find here. Our full length report is published here (in Swedish only).

The reporting is done in accordance with the Annual Accounts Act (ARL) and the Opera's sustainability report has been prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI Standards), application level Core.


The opera's work with Agenda 2030 can be described based on two perspectives. Partly what role culture can play for sustainable development, and partly what we at Opera as a state-owned company specifically do to contribute to achieving all 17 global goals.

In order for the Opera to be able to contribute in the best way to the implementation of Agenda 2030, the management adopted a sustainability plan (in Swedish).

The opera has chosen seven of the 17 global sustainability report in Agenda 2030 to have extra focus on in the upcoming years. These are:

NR 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
NR 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
NR 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
NR 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
NR 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
NR 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
NR 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development